Event - Other

Enhancing rural mobility through local action

This Good Practice Webinar, organised by the Rural Pact Support Office in collaboration with SMARTA-NET, will focus on the role that local communities play in enhancing the mobility options on their territories and contributing to a fair socio-economic development of the area.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Online

The webinar, organised in collaboration with SMARTA-NET, will showcase inspiring lighthouse examples of developing smart mobility in and between rural areas and improving accessibility with peri-urban areas. It will focus on three main implications of improving rural mobility:

  • Supporting the development of rural tourism;
  • Enhancing mobility for strengthening access to basic services (e.g. health, education, leisure);
  • Strengthening territorial and social cohesion.
English language

Draft Agenda

(PDF – 196.74 KB)

Enhancing rural mobility through local action
Image by Richard Johnson on Getty Images

The event will provide opportunities to: 

  • Exchange and learn from local experiences and initiatives that enhance rural mobility and contribute to the social, economic and environment development of local communities; 
  • Build the capacity of participants to promote rural mobility through anticipating, planning and delivering effective, high-quality projects responding to rural needs;
  • Encourage and mobilise the Rural Pact Community and European Rural Mobility Network to undertake actions linked to addressing mobility issues in their specific contexts.

The webinar is targeted at project implementers and developers of mobility initiatives in rural areas, including potential project holders in local communities, regional and national private and public actors.


Improving mobility is among the most pressing needs in rural, remote and peri-urban areas to foster inclusive economic development, improve social equity and tackle climate change. Limited transport options in these areas hinder access to basic services, jobs, health services and social activities, impactingpopulation density and the cost of public transport. 

The report on the implementation of the EU’s rural vision published on 27 March 2024 highlights that the New EU Urban Mobility Framework will include specific actions to better integrate the urban, peri-urban and rural linkages. This will be done through further development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), where dedicated attention will go to better support connectivity between rural, peri-urban areas and metropolitan/urban areas.

Additionally, the Barcelona Declaration signed under the Spanish Presidency of Council of the European Union constitutes a strong commitment to accessible, affordable, and equitable mobility to promote social and territorial cohesion.

Maintaining or improving public transport services and connections is essential to achieve the aim of the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas for connected rural areas. The related Rural Action Plan supports the flagship initiative SMARTA-NET - coordinated by the European Commission’s DG MOVE, building on the SMARTA 1 and 2 projects to enhance sustainable and resilient mobility connections. 

The Rural Pact Support office recently launched a new online Community Group on Rural Mobility to bring together stakeholders to connect with peers, exchange, share information on this topic.

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Rural Pact Support Office