Upcoming Events
EU CAP Network seminar ‘Robotics and artificial intelligence in farming and forestry’
The main objective of the seminar is to demonstrate practical technologies that can enhance productivity and sustainability, facilitate knowledge exchange on the latest advancements, and foster collaboration among stakeholders.
A new architecture of EU policies and funds post-2027 – what place for local development?
The webinar will be held shortly before the publication of the proposal for EU budget and policies for the post-2027 period, which is expected to show signs of major changes compared to previous and current periods.
Good Practice Webinar on rural housing
This Good Practice Webinar, organised by the Rural Pact Support Office, will explore the unique housing challenges that rural areas are facing. It will showcase inspiring policies, strategies, initiatives, and community-led projects that improve affordability and availability, attract new residents, and promote renovation efforts contributing to the green transition in rural areas.
Rural Advocacy: Building Skills and Empowering change-makers across rural Europe
The study session will bring together 35 young people from rural communities of Council of Europe member states with the aim to empower a new generation of rural youth change-makers by equipping them with the advocacy skills and knowledge needed to actively engage at local, national, and European levels.
The European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action
The conference, organised by the European Climate Pact, will explore ways to work together to build a climate-neutral and resilient future.
CLLD – Prosperous community opportunities for a shared future
The Conference will highlight Local Action Groups (LAGs), promote multidisciplinary and multi-fund approaches in rural areas, and provide recommendations for CLLD in the 2028+ programming period.
Rural Pact Conference 'From vision to action: Empowering rural areas for the future'
The second Rural Pact Conference, hosted by the Rural Pact Support Office, will gather 250 participants in a Belgian rural area. The event will offer two days of networking and reflections to advance the rural vision 2040, consolidate the Rural Action Plan and guide future Rural Pact actions.
Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference 2025 - Navigating Regional Transformation
The Annual Conference 'Navigating Regional Transformation' provides a timely opportunity to engage in dialogue and renewed debate on innovation, consumption paradigms, intertwining geopolitical instability, and climate-related tensions.
European Congress on renewal and rural development
The European Congress on Rural Renewal and Development, organised by the Polish Presidency Council of the European Union, will highlight key values for preserving the specificity and vitality of villages and empower local communities to respond to increased uncertainty and risks.
EU Rural Innovation Forum
The first EU-wide Rural Innovation Forum (EU-RIF), organised by FUTURAL, is a two-day networking event bringing together stakeholders from the rural ecosystem, aiming to set the groundwork for capacity building and expertise sharing on smart community-led innovation in rural areas.