Event - Conference

Rural Pact Conference 'From vision to action: Empowering rural areas for the future'

The second Rural Pact Conference, hosted by the Rural Pact Support Office, will gather 250 participants in a Belgian rural area. The event will offer two days of networking and reflections to advance the rural vision 2040, consolidate the Rural Action Plan and guide future Rural Pact actions.

  • Organised by Rural Pact
  • - CEST
  • English
  • Château du Biez - Nearest city: Kortrijk/Courtrai (Belgium), Belgium
  • In-person
English language

Draft Agenda

(PDF – 167.41 KB)

  • Exchange and draw lessons from the Rural Action Plan and co-create ideas to consolidate the implementation of the rural vision now and in the future policy framework;
  • Boost networking opportunities among the Rural Pact local community members and build capacities for action;
  • Facilitate exchanges to collect ideas and recommendations to guide future Rural Pact action.

Image by aliaksandrbarysenka on Canva


In June 2021, following the mandate of President Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission published the communication on the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas up to 2040 (the rural vision - LTVRA). It recognises the vital role that rural areas and their communities play in shaping Europe’s identity and economic potential, and the need to preserve these areas and invest in their future. 

The rural vision introduced the EU Rural Action Plan, comprising 24 thematic actions and six horizontal actions, including the Rural Pact launched in June 2022 at the first 'Rural Pact Conference' in Brussels. These actions are organised around four action areas: stronger, connected, resilient, and prosperous rural areas.

The Rural Pact serves as a pivotal mechanism, mobilising stakeholders across governance levels to amplify rural voices, foster collaboration and mutual learning, and encourage commitments towards the shared goals of the rural vision. Since then, nearly 3 000 stakeholders have joined the Pact and more than 1 000 of them are part of the online community platform.

Since the launch of the rural vision, important progress has been made in the implementation of the Rural Action Plan, including in the context of the Rural Pact. The European Commission’ report from March 2024 'The Long-Term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas: Key Achievements and Ways Forward' outlines the progress made and highlights ideas for further support raised by EU institutions and stakeholders. It also identifies areas requiring additional effort and continuity to achieve their objectives.

This second Rural Pact Conference will bring together the Rural Pact community to reflect on and learn from the practices and experiences implemented by the Rural Action Plan and look at the future to ensure stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas. By engaging with the Rural Pact community, the Conference aims to collect their needs and ideas for enhanced support, and contribute to the political debate shaping future policies for rural areas.

Finally, this Conference will review the achievements of the Rural Pact, listen to its community and particularly local stakeholders, and collect recommendations to shape and guide its future direction.

Target Audience

The event is mainly targeted to formal members of the Rural Pact Community (become a member of the Rural Pact), including civil society organisations, policymakers and public authorities, LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs), academics and researchers, businesses and citizens keen on actively contributing to the future of rural areas.

A total of 250 participants will be recruited via an online call for expression of interest. A selection process of final participants will take place due to overscription taking into account their potential to act as multipliers and promoters of Rural Pact at EU, national, regional and local levels, their readiness to share relevant examples, the ability to communicate in English and geographical balance. All selected participants will receive a confirmation email from the Rural Pact Support Office, along with instructions on how to proceed with travel and accommodation arrangements.

The European Commission will support travel and accommodation for a number of participants, particularly local stakeholders. 

Additional info


Château du Biez

Rue de Lannoy 145, Pecq, 7740 Nearest city: Kortrijk/Courtrai (Belgium) Belgium


Rural Pact Support Office
