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Good Practice
Social enterprise boosts sustainable tourism while preserving agricultural traditions in rural Malta
A rural network supports its members to diversify agricultural activities through sustainable tourism, promote local products, and preserve traditional practices.
Participatory, integrated governance to boost local action in rural Tuscany, Italy
Collaboration between Tuscan LAGs and public bodies through a participatory, multi-sector governance model has achieved synergies between the Italy's National Strategy for Inner Areas (SNAI) and the LEADER programme.
Climate action to address local needs in rural Ireland
A community-led initiative supporting rural areas to design climate-action projects and tackle local needs.
Rural youth participation in decision-making and budgeting processes in Croatia
A LAG project driving a participatory model to empower and educate rural youth in democratic participation and management of community projects.
French collaborative framework fosters strategic cooperation and holistic territorial development
A governance structure to plan and coordinate comprehensive territorial development across diverse localities, fostering sustainability and community engagement.
Collaborative, community-driven model for sustainable development in a Catalan rural region
A regional mechanism to coordinate and implement initiatives in line with a sustainable development roadmap created by public and private actors through a bottom-up approach.
Revitalising Bulgarian rural areas through cultural mediation
A programme connecting urban youth and rural elderly to develop community-led projects and initiatives addressing local needs and challenges.
Supporting rural Austria’s climate mitigation and adaptation efforts
Two regional programmes support rural municipalities in achieving EU climate targets by implementing local projects through a network of experts and citizens.
The first rural youth think tank in Italy
A non-profit association working to empower rural youth and revitalise internal rural areas in southern Italy through events and dialogue with policymakers, a network of experts and a scientific committee, and a range of online tools.
Give a Way to Youth! Strengthening rural youth participation in Latvia
A project focused on developing young people’s ability to influence decisions in their areas and on enhancing local governments’ capacity to involve youth in civic participation.