Event - Conference

Taking stock and building partnership for sustainable development of mountain and rural areas

The Conference, organised by the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, will focus on the inclusion of vulnerable groups in rural and mountain regions and the integration of natural and social sciences to promote sustainable development and impact-driven research.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Bratislava, Slovakia
  • In-person

The conference will

  • foster cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological synergies and capitalise on interdisciplinary research;

  • continue in a multi-level stakeholder dialogue across local, national and supranational levels;

  • support the development of intra-regional and inter-regional collaborative projects;

  • showcase the region’s Education for Sustainable Development initiatives;

  • facilitate publication outputs through special issues and workshops with renowned scientific publishers;

  • facilitate conversations with key public and private international donors.

Additional info


Bratislava, Slovakia


Comenius University in Bratislava

Academic/research institution