Event - Governance meeting

Rural Pact Coordination Group: third meeting

The third meeting of the Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG) followed up on identified priority actions for 2024; exchanged on the European Commission’s public report on the implementation of the EU Rural Vision; and discussed next steps.

  • Organised by Rural Pact
  • - CEST
  • English
  • Belgium
  • In-person
  • Follow up on the 2024 RPCG priority actions implemented by its members and the support provided by DG AGRI and RPSO;
  • Exchange on the results from Commission's public report on the LTVRA, other relevant reports and seek ways for the future;
  • Discuss and prepare next steps including additional actions of the RPCG members at national/regional and local levels in 2024, working processes between RPCG members and their role to upcoming RPSO activities.
English language


(PDF – 164.06 KB)


The Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG) is the key governance body of the Rural Pact formed by up to 30 representatives from the Rural Pact community. Acting as a network of organisations and institutions, the RPCG plays a crucial role in further developing and steering the Rural Pact, representing the diverse range of participants involved in this initiative. 

The second meeting of the RPCG held on 7 November 2023 in the premises of DG AGRI in Brussels marked a significant milestone in advancing the goals of the Rural Vision and the Rural Pact. Besides the adoption of the Terms of Reference and the Rules of Procedure of the RPCG and the election of the Chair (Radim Sršeň) and Vice-Chair (Edina Ocsko), the group has expanded and consolidated the list of key priorities for concrete actions to be undertaken in the upcoming year and explored potential linkages between RPSO tasks envisaged in the draft AWP for 2024 and the priority actions of the Coordination Group.

Following the second RPCG meeting, the members were invited to provide feedback on:

  • the highlight report summarising the discussions of the second RPCG meeting;
  • key thematic areas of focus for the Rural Pact and Support Office in 2024 that might be covered for RPSO events, the Good Practice Webinars, Policy Labs and the Conference;
  • The list of RPCG priority actions consolidated during the second meeting specifying:
  • RPCG priority actions to be led by the Coordination Group (collectively or individually); 
  • actions where RPSO is able to fully or partly support the RPCG; 
  • actions to be considered/supported by the Commission.

Additionally, the RPCG members communicated a series of events that they intended to carry out in 2024 under the Rural Pact.

Background documents

Additional info


Rural Pact Support Office




English language

Highlights report

(PDF – 629.74 KB)


English language

Public report on the LTVRA ‘Key achievements and ways forward, Mario Milouchev, DG AGRI, and Wallis Vandebrock-Goelen, DG REGIO

(PDF – 1.41 MB)

English language

Communication accompanying the 9th Cohesion Report, Florent Guerin, DG REGIO

(PDF – 403.6 KB)

English language

Report of the high-level group on the Future of Cohesion Policy, Sari Rautio, Member of the high-level group

(PDF – 1.98 MB)

English language

RPSO 2024 activities in support of the Rural Pact, Pascale Van Doren, Rural Pact Support Office

(PDF – 564.22 KB)

English language

Stocktaking of EC actions developed collaboratively, Antonia Gámez Moreno, DG AGRI

(PDF – 620.89 KB)

English language

Study on ‘Rural areas and the geography of discontent’, Klaus Boele, Committee of the Regions, NAT Secretariat

(PDF – 310.93 KB)

English language

Start-up villages in mountain areas, Laura Gascón Herrero, Euromontana

(PDF – 316.12 KB)

English language

Rural tourism community group, Klaus Ehrlich, Ruraltour

(PDF – 859.62 KB)

English language

Communities for future, Mieke Elzenga, Ecolise

(PDF – 903.4 KB)

English language

Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens, Enrique Nieto, Rural Pact Support Office

(PDF – 302.08 KB)

English language

Introducing working groups discussion, Urszula Budzich-Tabor, Rural Pact Support Office

(PDF – 630.42 KB)

English language

Communication tools and processes between RPCG members, Julie de Galard, Rural Pact Support Office

(PDF – 751.11 KB)