News | 22 Sep 2023

Rural households spend more on energy

A sneak peek into the Eurostat regional yearbook 2023

An analysis reveals that people living in rural areas usually spent a higher proportion of their total household expenditure on ‘essential items’ in 2020. This may be linked, at least in part, to average incomes being lower in rural compared with urban areas or to the lower energy efficiency of housing in rural areas.  

In 2020, the biggest difference in the structure of expenditure on electricity, gas and other fuel was recorded in Bulgaria: on average, people living in rural areas spent 13.8% of their total budget on these items, compared with a 7.1% share for those living in cities (reflecting, at least in part, differences in average income levels for people living in rural areas and cities). 

Look at the graph to see, what the situation is in your country! 

Data on more essential items: food and non-alcoholic beverages, the operation of personal transport equipment and catering services will be revealed soon in the Eurostat regional yearbook 2023. 

Visit Eurostat at the #EURegionsWeek!  

Rural households spend more on energy
Note: EU, Ireland, Portugal, Romania, Finland, and Sweden: not available. Malta: rural areas: not available. Source: Eurostat (hbs_str_t221) and (hbs_str_t226)