News | 24 Jun 2024

Local initiatives to enhance rural mobility showcased at recent Rural Pact webinar

Our Good Practice Webinar on rural mobility of 20 June 2024 highlighted the importance of understanding local communities’ needs and tailoring mobility solutions as much as possible. Discover the presentations and video recordings for practical local examples and approaches.

Local initiatives to enhance rural mobility showcased at recent Rural Pact webinar
Image by Richard Johnson on Getty Images

The event, showcased inspiring practice such as a modern hitch-hiking service in France; on-demand, door-to-door transport options in rural Ireland; and a free rural transport service for the Slovenian elderly.

The webinar, jointly organised by the Rural Pact Support Office and the EU-funded SMARTA-NET project, discussed ways of developing smart mobility in and between rural areas, and improving accessibility to peri-urban areas. It focused on three main implications of improving rural mobility: supporting rural tourism; enhancing access to services; and strengthening territorial and social cohesion.

Explore the latest Rural Pact resources on rural mobility, including news, upcoming events, and good practices, and join the dedicated Community group on the Rural Pact platform!


Discover the presentations and video recordings from our Good Practice Webinar of 20 June 2024 for inspiring local examples of enhancing rural mobility.