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Good Practice database
Simbioza Mobiln@: bridging the digital divide for elderly people in rural areas of Slovenia
A mobile classroom hosting workshops and learning activities on basic ICT knowledge and skills for the elderly.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

Youngsters support local development in rural areas of France
A programme engaging young people in voluntary civic service in rural areas, while providing accommodation, living allowance and training.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

'Yes We Plant' supporting biodiversity in rural areas in Wallonia, Belgium
A programme encouraging everyone, from residents to local authorities in the planting of one million trees or 4 000 km of hedgerows by 2024.
- Rural Pact

UOC Rural Network: empowering rural regions in Spain through holistic learning and research initiatives
An online university developing knowledge on rurality, offering educational opportunities to rural residents, and establishing a Rural Network to co-create and transfer knowledge on positive transformation of rural areas.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

The Rural Vision Platform in Finland
An online platform collecting information on the Finnish countryside, the policy framework, project examples, and policy suggestions for the future.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

The project 'DIRECTIONS' ensures equal access to education for vulnerable groups in rural areas of Bulgaria
A project promoting social inclusion of marginalised groups through interactive and collaborative activities with students, parents, and school teachers and administration.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

The Isle of Eigg in Scotland, UK, produces its own electricity from green energy
An island generating all of its electricity through renewable energy thanks to local community involvement and ownership.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

The 'Innovating Communities' project: design thinking for rural Ireland
A project conducting trainings on problem-solving methodology and tools for local community groups, businesses and individuals in the aim of promoting community-led initiatives.
- Rural Pact

The Hilvarenbeek Smart Village supports collective initiatives in the Netherlands
A service organisation bringing together residents, public authorities and various organisations to support sustainable local development and bottom-up community initiatives.
- Rural Pact

The 'Green Circles Bee Landscape' project increases biodiversity in South Holland, the Netherlands
A project following the ‘Green Circles’ methodology in bringing together public authorities and 50 organisations to address the biodiversity challenge of bee preservation.
- Rural Pact