• Objective 2

    structure and enable collaboration and mutual learning between Pact members

Develop research projects that address the identified challenges and contribute to the shared goals of the Rural Pact, such as increasing the soil health, restoring natural areas, avoid dessertification, water and nutrient management, etc. In addition, strengthening collaboration with stakeholders: Collaborate with other stakeholders in the Rural Pact community, such as public authorities, civil society organizations, businesses, citizens under a territorial approach, to share your expertise and knowledge on rural development issues. And finally, facilitate bidirectional knowledge sharing and capacity building: Disseminate our research findings through publications, presentations at conferences or workshops, and other outreach activities to raise awareness of rural development issues and inform policy decisions

Commitment's information

Stakeholder beneficiary(ies)
  • Citizen
  • EU Institution
  • International organisation
  • Local Action Group
  • National Rural Network
  • Non-governmental / civil society organisation
  • Private Business
  • Public authority
  • Communication and/or Advocacy
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Rural development strategy
  • Networking activities
  • Events
  • Research or/& evaluation
  • Capacity Building
Expected Outcomes

Increase the number of EU-funded projects at short term on the topic of rural development. Direct promotion to relevant created knowledge and capacity building activities within the Rural Pact Community

Organisation/Company information


Academic/research institution
Commitment's fund
EU funds, National funding, Regional funding, Local funding, Private funding
EU Fund
EAFRD & EAGF, Interreg, Horizon programme, LIFE, ERASMUS
Further details
Scope of action
Beneficiary country
Type of territories
Rural area

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