News | 30 Oct 2023

Young adults choosing rural life: insights from Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, and Germany

Check the latest research output from the STAYin(g)Rural project which investigates why young adults choose to continue living in rural areas, an understudied aspect in comparison to the reasons motivating their urban migration.

It's not just jobs, housing, or amenities that tie young adults to rural landscapes. Emotional attachment to their region, an ingrained sense of community, and even the aesthetic appeal of the rural landscape contribute significantly to their decisions. More importantly, these factors often trump the more tangible aspects like employment. The decision to stay is often framed as a conscious choice, sometimes catalysed by pivotal life events.

The findings raise an essential question for policymakers: Are we focusing on the wrong things? Boosting employment opportunities or improving housing may not be the silver bullets we think they are. Instead, regional policies could gain from acknowledging the emotional and psychological ties that bind young adults to their rural homes. Hofstede recommends a nuanced shift—away from merely attracting young talent toward meaningfully guiding those who've returned from cities.

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