News | 30 Oct 2023

Towards resilient food systems: the latest OECD insights on supply chains resilience and policy responses.

This OECD paper explores food supply chain resilience and its connection to food systems. It calls on policymakers to adopt a holistic approach that takes into account the broader set of food systems objectives, anticipates a broader range of shocks, and identifies coherent policy solutions.

When we think of food system resilience, we often focus on the availability and affordability of food. However, the OECD urges us to think more broadly. According to their research, trade plays a crucial role in buffering against local disruptions, allowing countries to rely on international markets. While some domestic policies enhance resilience by supporting low-income households, others like export restrictions can create instability. Importantly, the report calls for a more comprehensive understanding of resilience, urging us to consider other objectives like environmental sustainability and livelihoods in the food system.

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