News | 26 Nov 2024

‘Territorial development for the green transition’: highlights report available

This event report outlines key challenges and opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition, and the best ways to address them through EU territorial tools.


Image by Martin Bergsma on Canva

The report of the Rural Pact Policy Lab on ‘Territorial development for the green transition’ highlights the need for increased use of EU territorial tools, such as LEADER/CLLD, Smart Villages, and Integrated Territorial Investments (ITIs). 

The Rural Pact community can play a key role in boosting the use of these tools by supporting peer learning and raising awareness among managing authorities. Additionally, the Rural toolkit on EU funding – collecting a range of funding opportunities for rural areas – can further help to raise awareness. 

Access to long-term funding with low bureaucratic barriers, simplified implementation, and capacity building for managing authorities are essential to achieving the goals of the green transition through territorial tools.