News | 05 Mar 2025

Statistical data on rural and urban Europe

Eurostat’s twin publications on Rural Europe and Urban Europe examine subnational/territorial development across the EU, overviewing territorial typologies, area and population, population density, land cover, and related statistical data.

Image by kanchanachitkhamma on Canva

Image by kanchanachitkhamma on Canva

Both publications explore aspects such as education and training, labour market, digitalisation, economy, demography, and quality of life, providing detailed statistics and drawing comparisons between EU Member States. 

The Rural Europe and Urban Europe online publications intend to build a solid knowledge base of socioeconomic conditions to analyse a broad range of issues impacting rural, intermediate and urban areas across the EU.

Listen to the dedicated Stats in a Wrap podcast episode for a glimpse of what statistical data reveal about rural living in the EU.