News | 30 Jun 2023

Share your voice through the community groups of the Rural Revitalisation Platform

The Rural Revitalisation Platform is out! It was launched by the European Commission on the 29 June 2023 during the Policy Action Lab “Taking action to tackle rural depopulation” organised by the Rural Pact Support Office.

Image by the Rural Pact Support Office

The platform is one of the flagship commitments of the European Commission in the Rural Action Plan to contribute to the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas and the Rural Pact. It aims to raise the voices of rural actors, put their needs higher in the political agendas, create a space for networking and boost action on the ground, with a particular focus on supporting areas facing population loss, ageing and demographic decline. The platform serves as an online space that gather valuable information and resources for rural communities (news, events, publication, good practices, etc.). It also brings together all members of the Rural Pact Community who wish  to connect with peers and partners, collaborate, and contribute to the Rural Vision.

The tool provides a specific feature that allows to form Community Groups of stakeholders to facilitate structured exchanges and discussions around common fields of interest (e.g. thematic and/or geographic). These groups play a vital role in advancing objectives of the Rural Pact by fostering broader stakeholder partnerships and enabling peer exchanges, ultimately driving actions on the ground. They aim to create opportunities for collaborations and sharing experiences.

The Rural Revitalisation Platform already includes some Community Groups which are open for the registered users  to join in (see existing Groups here).

By actively participating and collaborating within a Community Group, members can create practical action opportunities at various levels, spanning individual organisations and specific groupings across administrative levels and countries, as relevant.

Are you interested to launch and coordinate a Community Group?

Each Community Group is a collective endeavour of its members. It is created by recognised European and/or national stakeholder organisations with the capacity to mobilise relevant actors at all levels. They commit to coordinating, animating and managing a Community Group within the platform to achieve concrete objectives that contribute to the Rural Vision and the Rural Pact.

If you represent a European or national stakeholder organisation and wish to create and coordinate a Community Group on the platform, you are most welcome! Please take a look at the guidance document and steps described on the following link.