News | 22 Mar 2024

A new Slovak ‘Vision for more attractive rural areas’

Slovakia has developed its first national ‘Vision for more attractive rural areas’, complementary to the EU’s Rural Vision. The Slovak Vision is a result of an inclusive consultation process involving over 1 000 stakeholders in 15 co-design stages, highlighting the need for continuous stakeholder involvement in policy design and implementation.

A new Slovak ‘Vision for more attractive rural areas’
Image by the POLIRURAL project

The Slovak Rural Vision was developed within the framework of the POLIRURAL Horizon 2020 project and based on the cooperation among the Slovak University of Agriculture, the Slovak Rural Parliament, the city of Nitra and the Agroinstitut state organisation. 

Broader public consultations continue following the project’s end in 2022 through stakeholder conferences co-organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and ongoing dialogue with all Ministries having an impact on rural areas. The goal is to explore ways of working together better, breaking silos, and increasing cooperation.

The Slovak Rural Vision calls for a clear strategic orientation, continuity, clarity and the long-term stability and sustainability of Slovak rural areas.