News | 08 Mar 2024

A new roadmap for Social Economy in the EU

The new Liège Roadmap, signed by representatives of 24 EU member state governments on 12 February 2024, confirms the importance of the Social Economy on political agendas. It proposes a set of commitments to boost the participation of social economy actors in private-public partnerships, ease their access to finance and increase social economy visibility.

A new roadmap for Social Economy in the EU

The Liège Roadmap highlights the role of the social economy in driving growth within the limits of environmental and social sustainability. It further calls for the appointment of a European Commissioner for social economy, the pursue of the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan and the Transition Pathway for the ‘Proximity and Social Economy’ ecosystem.

The roadmap was signed at a conference of European ministers responsible for social economy, held in Liège (Belgium), in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.