News | 20 Mar 2025

New report sets out recommendations for improved Smart Villages programming and implementation support

Although the Smart Villages approach – as a policy concept and instrument – has become rooted in the CAP rural development pillar, further consolidation and clarifications are needed around its implementation through the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) 2023-2027.

Smart Villages programming and implementation support

Image by Rahat M. on Canva

The recent report of the Smart Rural 27 project overviews the specificities of Smart Villages programming, lessons learnt and recommendations for the future. The document highlights a need for further clarifications around the programming of Smart Villages, such as: 

  • lack of national definitions;
  • extent of focus on digitalisation;
  • distinction between strategies and projects; and
  • LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) integrating Smart Villages within their strategies – still to be defined at national level. 

Most EU Member States included Smart Village strategies and projects to be implemented under the LEADER approach, as LAGs are best placed to animate the process at the level of rural communities. Meanwhile, very few Member States included dedicated Smart Village interventions in their CSPs. 

The report sets out a number of recommendations, including:

  • Provide further guidance and support at European and national levels on how to programme and implement Smart Villages at different levels.
  • Build capacity on the connection between LEADER & Smart Villages at all levels.
  • Directly support local communities to both develop Smart Village strategies and implement smart projects.
  • Clarify Smart Village strategies and projects in terms of eligibility and selection criteria at the national level.
  • Plan National and EU CAP Network support for the implementation of Smart Villages.
  • Create dedicated platforms for exchange at all levels.
  • Involve other EU programmes and funds in supporting Smart Villages.

Explore the latest Rural Pact resources on the topic of smart and start-up villages.