News | 10 Oct 2023

New Factsheet on Rural Youth Employment Now Online

Discover the latest insights on rural youth employment in our new factsheet. Published by the CAP Implementation Contact Point, this resource aims to guide policy-makers in enhancing job opportunities for young people in rural areas.

The new factsheet on Rural Youth Employment is an essential read for anyone interested in the future of rural Europe. It outlines the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)'s focus on job creation and generational renewal, specifically targeting young people.  

The factsheet offers actionable recommendations for policy-makers and showcases good practices at various governance levels. These include three types of actions:  

- 1. Internal/Personal Factors 

Example: Programs aimed at enhancing educational attainment and skill development are key. This includes imparting digital and communication skills, financial literacy, and adaptability. Ensuring mental well-being and family support are other crucial aspects. 

2. External/Contextual Factors 

Example: It's important to improve access to essential services such as healthcare, childcare, and digital connectivity. Collaboration with local stakeholders and availability of affordable land and credit are also significant. 

3. Support Programs and Tools 

Example: One noteworthy initiative is Finland's Youth Leader fund, which financially backs young people's entrepreneurial ventures. This not only boosts individual career prospects but also contributes to local development. 


The factsheet also includes links to a number of good practices such as e.g. quote one or two that are more rural, not about young farmers. 

The factsheet is a product of collaborative efforts led by young people, pooling EU expertise on rural youth employment issues. It serves as a valuable resource for policy-makers, stakeholders, and anyone interested in rural development and youth employment. 

Read it here