News | 15 Nov 2023

The Logroño Declaration for thriving and vibrant rural areas

The declaration, adopted by the Bureau of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), emphasises the fundamental role of the Long-term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas 2040 and urges policy adjustments and earmarked funds. It highlights the need to address depopulation, climate challenges, and rural vulnerabilities for a cohesive future for Europe.

The Logroño Declaration, adopted at the European Committee of the Regions' Bureau meeting in Spain on 31 October 2023, highlights the indispensable role of strong and sustainable rural areas for the EU's long-term sustainable development. European local and regional leaders urge that all EU policies incorporate rural proofing to address challenges like depopulation, labour shortages, and insufficient investments in rural areas. 

It urges EU institutions to fully involve and support rural areas for the success of the European project, emphasising the importance of considering rural vulnerabilities in funding allocations. The leaders propose a minimum earmarking of European funds for rural projects in various EU programmes. 

The Declaration further stresses the pivotal role of the Long-term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas 2040 in shaping the future of rural communities. It advocates for the establishment of specific targets within EU monitoring systems to effectively monitor the implementation of this vision and support provided to rural areas. Lastly, the CoR bureau pledges to actively engage in the Rural Pact and its governance body, ensuring the successful execution of the long-term vision and fostering the meaningful participation of local and regional stakeholders.