News | 17 Jul 2024

LEADER potential for the rural vision and Pact – insights from the Rural Pact Support Office

Close cooperation between LEADER and the Rural Pact can generate mutual benefits and synergies for various stakeholders at local, national, and EU levels. We spoke with the CAP Network Contact Point about LEADER’s potential to boost the Rural Pact and help achieve the EU rural vision.

Image by Dmitry Rukhlenko on Canva

Localised outreach networks – such as Local Action Groups (LAGs) – are vital to attain the objectives of the rural vision and Pact, a headline message coming through our discussions with rural stakeholders across the EU. This is due to LAGs’ proven ability to mobilise and empower local actors.

Rural Pact Support Office (RPSO) activities in 2024 largely focus on the local level, where the main impacts of the wider Rural Action Plan need to be felt. Some examples include our Policy Lab of May 2024 on 'Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens' and an upcoming policy briefing, expected in autumn 2024.

We invite all LAGs to get involved in the Rural Pact and we welcome their commitment to take concrete action for the rural vision.

Read the full article.