News | 18 Jan 2024

Joining forces for rural areas to improve services of general interest

Discover the final publication of the pilot action ‘A future for lagging regions’ of the Territorial Agenda 2030 exploring cooperative regional and local development as contributing factors for the long-term improvement of services such as digitalisation, mobility, health and local supply in rural and peripheral areas.

The Territorial Agenda 2030 (TA2030) is a political framework agreement of the EU Member States on the key objectives of spatial development in Europe. During the German EU Council Presidency, under the leadership of the German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) and the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), the pilot action ‘A future for lagging regions’ was implemented, considering approaches to securing services of general interest in rural regions.

Titled ‘Implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2030: Joining Forces for Rural Areas – Impulses for cooperative regional development in Germany and Europe’, the publication presents the results and lessons learned from the pilot action, where six partner regions from Germany, France, Portugal and Austria have tested innovative measures to provide these services.

A key finding is that rural regions of the pilot action and beyond act as proactive regions that use expertise, cooperation and commitment to achieve a great deal despite limited resources. The pilot action has shown the positive leverage effects that cooperative regional development can have locally.

The publication is available for download in both English and German. 

Implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2030: Joining Forces for Rural Areas