News | 30 Jul 2023

Funding opportunity for rural actors: CERV Call for Proposals 2023

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme was launched in 2021 and will run for seven years until 2027. It was created along with the 2021-2027 Justice programme under the Justice, Rights and Values Fund.

Its objective is to protect and promote EU rights and values by supporting civil society organisations at various levels. It strives to foster open, right-based, democratic, and inclusive societies through its four strands: Equality, Rights and Gender Equality; Citizens' engagement and participation.

The Citizens’ engagement and participation - 2023 (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV) presents a unique funding opportunity for rural actors to secure financial support for innovative projects that promote citizen participation. This EUR 19,180,000 call aims to facilitate transnational partnerships and networks involving citizens in EU policymaking.

Running until 2027 as part of the Justice, Rights and Values Fund, the CERV programme, covers various policy areas and contributes to the promotion of EU values, fundamental rights, and democracy. Priority areas include debating the future of Europe, engaging citizens in climate and environmental discussions, fostering solidarity, and countering disinformation while promoting media literacy.

By engaging with the CERV call, rural actors can access funding to advance local rural initiative while contributing to the long-term vision for rural areas. Of particular significance is the opportunity for rural actors to contribute to sustainability efforts in their communities. The call also emphasises active participation from rural youth, empowering them to shape Europe’s future. 

The deadline to submit proposals is September 5, 2023. To learn more about this funding opportunity and the application process, visit the official website.