News | 12 Jun 2024

Enhancing resilience, social inclusion, and well-being in rural areas through social innovation

The new, EU-funded SERIGO project will work between 2024 and 2027 to enhance the resilience, social inclusion, and well-being of vulnerable groups in European rural areas through socially innovative solutions involving social economy actors.

Enhancing resilience, social inclusion, and well-being in rural areas through social innovation
Image by Valerii Honcharuk on Canva

The project is conducting community-based research to identify challenges faced by rural communities and innovative solutions. Look out for upcoming project outputs and join networking and collaboration activities:

  • Community of Practice on social innovation for inclusion of vulnerable groups in rural areas;
  • Case studies from across Europe and pilot actions in five EU Member States (Austria, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) to implement socially innovative solutions and provide support to vulnerable groups.;
  • Recommendations for policy development around social inclusion in rural areas.

Explore the latest Rural Pact resources on social inclusion and social economy.