News | 21 May 2024

EESC calls for inclusive decision-making in rural vision’s implementation

A new opinion by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls for enhanced governance frameworks, annual assessments, and targeted interventions in the implementation of the EU's rural vision. It highlights the need for a post-2027 rural development policy specifically dedicated to the implementation of the Rural Action Plan and recognising the significance of the Rural Pact.

EESC calls for inclusive decision-making in rural vision’s implementation
Image by DenisTangneyJr on Canva

The opinion reiterates support for rural vision and Pact and calls for the Rural Action Plan to be enhanced, adequately funded and regularly evaluated to respond more effectively to the needs of the rural environment. Various stakeholders need to be involved at all levels to ensure the success of the rural vision and a multi-level and multi-stakeholder governance approach needs to be strengthened.

The EESC welcomes rural development schemes such as rural agendas and rural pacts adopted by several EU Member States and regions, and proposes adopting a European charter of rights and responsibilities for rural and urban areas based on these schemes. “Inclusive decision-making requires the involvement of all stakeholders at multiple levels, from Member States to local actors, fostering effective governance,” says Marc Decoster, rapporteur of the opinion.

Titled ‘Towards a greater involvement of Member States, Regions and Civil Society actors in the implementation of the Long-Term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas’, the opinion was adopted at the EESC plenary of 24-25 April 2024.