News | 10 Jul 2024

Cooperative tourism: a blueprint for the development of Monti Dauni, Italy

Cooperative tourism is a valuable tool for integrated development. A recent event in the rural Monti Dauni (Italy) highlighted its value for fostering collaboration between public and private sectors and involving local communities in managing tourism resources.

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The event, organised by the Italian Local Action Group (LAG) Meridaunia on 27 June 2024, highlighted that the socio-economic model of cooperative tourism enhances rural areas by boosting social inclusion, creating employment opportunities, and preserving cultural and natural heritage.

The event brought together a diverse group of local actors, including tourism operators, social cooperatives, associations, agrifood producers, and institutional representatives to discuss innovative strategies for promoting sustainable tourism in the rural Monti Dauni area.

Participatory design tables identified key objectives, including generating sustainable tourism offers and creating experiential events. The event successfully demonstrated the potential of cooperative tourism for Monti Dauni, highlighting the importance of collaboration among public and private entities and civil society.

Author: LAG Meridaunia