News | 30 Jun 2023

Connecting territories: the best of urban-rural cooperation

Despite the perceived divide between cities and rural areas, they actually rely on each other for many things like access to food, jobs and services.

A notable illustration of this interdependence is Brno, the Czech Republic's second-largest city. Despite its significant urban population, the surrounding region predominantly comprises agricultural land, with 40% of the municipalities consisting of 500 to 1,000 residents. The interdependence encompass initiatives such as sustainable mobility, waste management, and social housing.

As said says Frantisek Kubes, from the City of Brno, and co-author of the publication: “This publication demonstrates that urban-rural cooperation is not only possible but it is already happening in many metropolitan areas all over Europe.”

Recognising this reality, Eurocities and its members have compiled case studies showcasing successful partnerships between cities and their surrounding regions. To learn more about these inspiring projects, read the full article on Eurocities' website.