News | 30 Oct 2023

Chain Migrations and Rural Revitalisation in Spain: A New Perspective

A recent study by Paula Alonso-Pardo, Laura Oso, and Leticia Santaballa sheds light on the role of chain migrations in revitalising demographically-challenged rural areas in Spain. The research offers a nuanced understanding beyond the conventional depopulation narrative.

The article explores the dynamics of rural demographics and revitalisation in Spain through the lens of chain migrations. It moves beyond the traditional focus on depopulation, examining the interplay between various forms of migration — internal, international, historical, and recent — and their impact on rural areas. The study is grounded in extensive fieldwork, including 109 semi-structured interviews in regions like Galicia, Andalusia, and Castilla-La Mancha. 

The research highlights the complementary roles of different migration patterns — newcomers, returnees, and root migrants — in sustaining life in rural areas. It underscores the demographic, economic, and social revitalisation that migration can bring to rural communities. 

For policy-makers and stakeholders, these findings offer valuable insights for crafting strategies that leverage migration as a tool for rural revitalisation. 

Recommendation 1: 
In light of the findings, it's prudent for authorities to orchestrate programmes fostering collaboration between local and immigrant populations, aiming for a collective action towards alleviating rural shrinking in Spain. 
Recommendation 2: 
Additionally, initiating platforms for intergenerational engagement and knowledge transfer could provide a remedy for the lack of intergenerational replacement, aiding in the broader goal of rural revitalisation. 


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