News | 08 Jan 2024

A call on all Dutch members of the Rural Pact community to connect

A call on all Dutch members of the Rural Pact community to connect and have an introductory meeting to discuss ways of supporting each other - a message from Mr Ben van Essen of the European Rural Community Alliance (ERCA) and member of the Rural Pact Coordination Group.

dutch call
Second gathering of the National Rural Network Netherlands (November 30, 2023): Liveability and socio-economic development of the countryside

Written by Mr Ben van Essen (member of the Rural Pact Coordination Group)

The establishment of a National Rural Network Netherlands (NRNN) is the result of the EU agreement to build an active National Rural Network in every member state, which – as an organisation – acts as a source of information, facilitator, connector, knowledge broker, inspiration platform and as a point of contact for both the ENRD and the EU Service Point EIP – AGRI. 

The NRNN consists of organisations and people who feel drawn to the challenges facing the rural areas. The Network is financed by the EU, provinces and the national government and supported by a team of employees seconded from the central government and the provinces. The National Rural Network Netherlands (NRNN) wants to offer a platform to farmers, residents, administrators and other parties involved in the realisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Future-proofing of agriculture is central: resilient companies and healthy nature in a liveable countryside. The Rural Network inspires and connects knowledge, people and projects to make this possible.

The second gathering of the National Rural Network Netherlands took place on 30 November 2023. The theme was 'Liveability and socio-economic development of the countryside'. In the plenary Roel During, researcher from Wageningen University & Research, kicked off with the question:  What do we mean by a liveable countryside? 

Ellen Nauta, chairman of the partnership of large rural municipalities P10, explained what quality of life means at a municipal level. The plenary ended with the question: What does policy mean in farming practice?

The programme continued with nine workshops.  One of them was titled “Unravelling the Long-Term vision for Rural Areas. How can the CAP contribute to strengthening the quality of life and socio-economic development in rural areas? ” was given by Reinier Schouten (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality) and Ben van Essen (ERCA and Rural Pact Coordination Group). The workshop was held three times and gathered a total of 80 participants. 

The majority of the participants had no knowledge of the LTVRA, the Action Plan, nor the Rural Pact.

Dutch meeting 2

Participants discussed the benefits that the Action Plan and the Rural Pact could have for the Netherlands. For example, by using the knowledge provided by the Rural Pact Community (webinars, conferences) and relevant instruments such as the Rural Observatory, Rural Proofing and the upcoming Rural Funding Toolkit.

Ben van Essen made a plea for a more coherent approach to rural areas in the Netherlands, as the EU has done with the long-term vision for rural areas. The Netherlands does not have a coherent vision and therefore not yet a coherent network of all relevant rural development actors. Could the National Rural Network Netherlands become the Dutch Rural Pact? To make a step forward, Ben called on all attendees to become members of the Rural Pact Community.

It would be useful to connect all Dutch members of the Rural Pact Community. Members who are interested in this, are invited to contact Mr van Essen at who will then organise an introductory meeting, in which we will discuss how we can support each other.

Ben van Essen (ERCA/Rural Pact Coordination Group)