News | 30 Oct 2023

Boosting Rural Innovation in Scotland: A Comprehensive Look at OECD Findings

Scotland's rural areas are not just scenic landscapes; they're engines of economic growth and innovation. This OECD report sheds light on how Scotland is leveraging its strengths in university-firm collaborations, social entrepreneurship, and resource management to drive rural innovation. Discover the policies and practices that are making a difference and what more can be done.

Scotland's rural regions are more than just scenic landscapes; they're powerhouses of innovation and economic growth. Contributing to nearly two-thirds of all productivity growth from 2010 to 2018, these areas are making significant strides in social innovation and climate mitigation. A key driver behind this success is the synergy between entrepreneurs and researchers, facilitated by robust social entrepreneurship systems. While these regions have shown remarkable resilience, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, the report suggests there's still room for improvement. It offers actionable recommendations to further boost innovation by enhancing the entrepreneurial environment. Don't miss out on these valuable insights; the full report, available since 27 September 2023, provides a comprehensive framework to guide Scotland's new National Innovation Strategy which can serve as inspiration for other rural territories. 

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