Welcome to the Rural Pact community platform!

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This is your space

Find the latest information about the Rural Pact and rural revitalisation, connect with your peers and get inspired!

Go and check the existing “Community Groups” to discuss the topics of your interest. Or create one to gather all the actors around one place or one topic.

We wish you an inspiring discovery of all the good things happening in rural Europe.

Community Groups

Rural mobility

Latest News

11 Oct 2024

Dutch network seeks to advance Rural Pact implementation

Representatives of the Dutch Rural Pact network met with our team and colleagues from the European Commission’s DG AGRI on 9 October 2024 to discuss key elements of the Rural Pact and how to adapt them to the Dutch context and needs.

Dutch delegation
10 Oct 2024

Empowering local communities to achieve Europe’s rural vision

The EU’s rural vision cannot be achieved without the involvement of local communities. This is a headline message emerging from the EU Regions’ Week session on ‘Taking the next step in shaping Europe’s rural future’ of 9 October 2024.

09 Oct 2024

Fostering local action for the future of rural areas

It is essential to build local capacities in order to empower rural communities to tackle challenges in innovative ways and contribute to the objectives of the EU rural vision, discussions at our EU Regions’ Week session of 8 October 2024 highlighted.

08 Oct 2024

Inspiring LEADER Cooperation projects showcased at 2024 LEADER Congress

The Rural Pact Support Office session at the LEADER Congress of 2-3 October 2024 highlighted the value of LEADER Cooperation to contributing to the EU’s rural vision by empowering local communities to work on less conventional, but equally important rural issues.

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