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Taking stock of how CAP Strategic Plans contribute to the objectives of the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas

This study, financed by the European Commission, has been prepared by the European Evaluation Helpdesk in June 2023. Its conclusions, recommendations and opinions reflect the opinion of the consultants and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Commission.

  • European Union

Through its communication on the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas COM(2021) 345 adopted on 30 June 2021 (the rural vision), the European Commission committed to take stock, by mid-2023, of “what actions have been carried out and programmed in support schemes for rural areas financed by the EU and the Member States in the 2021-2027 programming period for the CAP and Cohesion policy funds”, and to “highlight gaps where necessary”. This stocktaking report is the contribution from the Common agricultural policy (CAP) side. It explores how the CAP contributes to supporting rural areas for the various dimensions of importance to the rural vision, namely by mapping relevant measures within the CAP strategic plans (CSPs) adopted for the period 2023-2027. The following research question guided the stocktaking of support to rural areas: Which CAP support measures and which of their aspects particularly benefit rural areas, what financial means have been allocated to support rural areas, and how do Member State differ with regard to support of rural areas?

Download the study here:…



European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,
