Good Practice - Project

VirtuALL supports an active ageing in rural areas of the central region of Portugal​

A social innovation project that promotes active ageing, provides digital training to the elderly and builds caregivers’ capacities.
  • Rural Pact
  • Rural Revitalisation Platform
  • - Portugal Location Type: Regional
    - Portugal Location Type: Regional


    VirtuALL is a social innovation project that since 2019 has been encouraging elderly people in rural areas in Portugal to become active, learn how to use digital technologies and take part in joint social activities. The project has also built the capacities of formal and informal caregivers in promoting a healthy and active ageing through the project tools. 

    Almost 2 000 people have already benefitted from the project in six municipalities of the central region of Portugal and another 20 municipalities in the region will replicate the model through a LEADER interterritorial cooperation project starting in 2023.


    The project has created an ecosystem of social innovation where different technological tools are adapted to promote the socialisation, cognitive development and digital independence of the oldest in these rural societies. Tools such as physiosensing (balance and pressure assessment platform with 2D and 3D games), PEPE - Portable Exergame for Elderly (an augmented reality game platform), Oculus Quest 2 (virtual reality equipment) and tablets were some of the equipment used in the activities. 

    Despite its innovative approach, the project has a simple, flexible and adaptive way of working, which guarantees the motivation of the elderly while promoting their physical, mental, cognitive and social health, offering the possibility of replication in other areas. 

    Besides the investment in equipment, the project used a significant part of the funding to involve qualified experts in the development of the tools and activities and to create local synergies among different actors. External evaluation of the project has shown very positive feedback for both individuals and community development, and was the reason to scale it up to other territories with similar needs.

    VirtuALL supports an active ageing in rural areas of the central region of Portugal (Picture)

    AD ELO - Bairrada and Mondego Local Development Association, a LEADER Local Action Group


    Initial project: Portugal Social Innovation Programme, project number POISE-03-4639-FSE-000299, co-funded by European Social Fund (ESF), national and local funding (six municipalities) during the 2019-2022 period, and entirely funded by the six municipalities in 2023-2024. 

    Transfer to other rural areas: Portuguese LEADER cooperation measure, co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), national and local private funding.


    English language

    VirtuALL supports an active ageing in rural areas of the central region of Portugal

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    The Local Action Group (LAG) AD ELO carried out a diagnosis of rural areas in the central region of Portugal that showed an increasing ageing population with low or no digital literacy, little physical activity, or participation in joint leisure activities, especially those in remote villages, living alone. 

    The VirtuALL project was proposed to address these needs, focusing on the opportunities provided by social innovation and the latest technologies able to improve the quality of life of this population segment. 

    VirtuALL was implemented in six municipalities simultaneously (Cantanhede, Figueira da Foz, Mealhada, Mira, Montemor-o-Velho and Penacova) in central Portugal, through the development of different tools and activities designed for the elderly population still living in their own homes, promoting their cognitive, physical and social activity.


    The key objectives of the project were to adjust social and technological tools that were previously used in the context of academic research to the needs of the elderly population in Portuguese rural areas and to improve quality of life by promoting a more active and healthy ageing. 

    VirtuALL further intends to boost social participation by improving the digital literacy of the elderly so they become more independent in using certain tools, which constitutes a significant generational barrier for most.

    Activities, key actors, and timeline

    VirtuALL is developed through a coordinated strategy that involves the LAG AD ELO as the project promoter and different local municipalities, senior universities, private companies and social and solidarity organisations as 'social investors', a particular function in the Portuguese Social Innovation Programme. 

    These actors contribute to the project in different ways such as making spaces available to host activities, sharing knowledge to develop tools, and engaging other stakeholders and beneficiaries. The activities started in 2019 in the six municipalities and can be divided into two phases. The first phase involved more than 1 000 elderly people who were given the opportunity to tackle cognitive and physical challenges, individually and in groups, using new technologies, including augmented reality, virtual reality and games adjusted to the audience by professionals in 2D and 3D. 

    The second phase, targeted at formal and informal caregivers of elderly, consisted of several capacity-building activities, divided into 50 different actions, in which more than 700 people participated and learnt how to use the tools. Activities took place in spaces belonging to the municipalities, which were easy to reach. 

    Given that many participants live in remote areas, the project carried out decentralised activities to reach them. Weak or no access to an internet connection was another barrier addressed by the project. 

    Success factors/Lessons learnt

    The commitment of public and private organisations and bringing together different expertise and sources of funding have been key to provide the senior population in the six rural areas with a good-quality and engaging experience, thus tackling social and digital challenges through a non-conventional approach.

    The project made substantial efforts to overcome financial constraints, such as the need to identify sources of co-funding of the grants obtained, which was achieved thanks to the mobilisation of investors by the LAG and the municipalities.

    Since 2023, VirtuALL is being adapted and expanded to another 20 municipalities with the participation of the ADRACES, LEADER OESTE and ADIBER LAGs in a LEADER cooperation project.

    Contact Information

    Mónica Sousa, Project Coordinator: