Good Practice - Project

Training project promotes rural youth entrepreneurship and digital skills in six European countries

An EU-funded project equipping rural youth in six European countries with entrepreneurial and digital skills to foster rural business development and resilience in the digital era.
  • Rural Pact
  • Rural Revitalisation Platform
  • - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Other, Portugal, Spain Location Type: EU
    - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Other, Portugal, Spain Location Type: EU


    From 2021 to 2024, the DigiRUR project worked to empower rural youth in six European countries, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Spain and North Macedonia. Funded under the Erasmus+ programme, the project addressed youth unemployment and rural depopulation by fostering entrepreneurship through tailored training and digital upskilling.

    DigiRUR developed a comprehensive support system that includes an e-learning platform, motivational videos, a digital handbook for start-ups and six Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Panels, one in each participating country, to enhance collaboration among stakeholders. 


    • Over 300 rural youth participated in in-person training sessions and events, while 3 000 stakeholders were reached through digital media.
    • A user-friendly web platform featuring Open Educational Resources (OER) provides free access to entrepreneurship and digital upskilling materials throughout the project and three years after its end.
    • The project aim to enhance employability and entrepreneurial skills among rural youth, while contributing to increased business activity in participating regions is monitored and evaluated through a tracking policy, including:
      • Data collection via the rural entrepreneurship web platform tracking participant engagement, course completion rates, and platform usage indicators;
      • Continuous reporting on the number of participants who have started businesses, developed business plans, or engaged in entrepreneurial activities after completing the programme;
      • Feedback by VET providers, local authorities, and other stakeholders to evaluate how effectively participants are applying their skills in practical, real-world settings.
    DIGIRUR Consortium
    • Local Action Group (LAG) ‘Panagyurishte, Strelcha, Lesichovo’, Bulgaria
    • Creative Thinking Development, private company, Greece
    • University International of Catalunya, academic institution, Spain
    • Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Ltd (CARDET), non-profit organisation, Cyprus
    • Private Scientific Institution for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy, research institution, North Macedonia
    • Virtual Campus Lda, private company, Portugal
    • Institute for Technology Transfer and Innovations, research institution, Bulgaria
    •, private company, Greece

    Budget: EUR 222 820

    Funding source:

    • Erasmus+ programme, project number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000029589



    English language

    Training project promotes rural youth entrepreneurship and digital skills in six European countries

    (PDF – 359.67 KB)


    The DigiRUR project activities covered rural areas across Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia, Portugal, and Spain. Rural areas in these regions often face significant common challenges, including youth unemployment, population decline, limited digital infrastructure, and economies reliant on agriculture. Young people in these areas often lack access to the entrepreneurial resources and digital tools needed to thrive in a modern economy.


    The DigiRUR project sought to promote entrepreneurship and digital literacy among rural youth by:

    • developing accessible online resources, including an e-learning platform and digital handbook;
    • fostering collaboration through Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Panels;
    • delivering tailored training programmes focused on business start-up and sustainability.

    Activities, key actors, and timeline

    The project started with the establishment of Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Panels to connect stakeholders, including local authorities and agencies, NGOs, vocational education and training (VET) providers, schools, and youth organisations and entrepreneurs. A total of 326 stakeholders were identified across all six countries. 

    The country Panels – formed on the basis of Memoranda of Understanding – facilitated exchange of ideas and created synergies to strengthen the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem. The Panels enable partner organisations to continue collaborating on youth policy and entrepreneurship development after the project’s end. 

    The project developed and launched digital tools such as the DigiRUR e-learning platform which offers five modules on essential entrepreneurial and digital skills. The platform includes a Digital Handbook for Rural Start-ups and MotiVIDEOS – motivational stories and practical tips for young entrepreneurs. These resources are user-friendly, accessible materials aligned with EU policies such as the Green Deal. 

    Tailored training sessions and workshops provided participants with practical skills in sustainable business development, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship fundamentals. Two practical training sessions involved:

    • Training of Trainers: targeted at VET providers, youth workers, trainers, professors, and other professionals to enhance knowledge and skills in the work with rural youth. A total of 21 trainers were trained.
    • Pilot training for youth: eight-week programme (April-May 2023) involving 187 rural youth, covering all e-learning platform modules on entrepreneurship and digital literacy, as well as project assignment, development, presentation, and evaluation. 

    Twelve multiplier events (two in each partner country) with over 300 participants promoted rural youth entrepreneurship and offered comprehensive guidance on starting rural businesses, combining theoretical and practical aspects. The events provided educators and professionals with resources to encourage active youth engagement, gather feedback, and share best practices. 

    Success factors/lessons learnt

    • Engaging local governance, VET providers, and youth organisations through a participatory approach ensured the project addressed community-specific needs.
    • Combining theoretical knowledge with practical tools, such as the e-learning platform and motivational videos, enhanced accessibility and engagement.
    • Addressing digital literacy challenges, such as limited awareness of digital tools and insufficient training opportunities, trough user-friendly tools and tailored training programmes contributed to bridging the digital divide in rural areas.
    • The project’s modular design and digital resources make it highly replicable across diverse rural regions in Europe.

    Contact Information

    Neli Tsvetkova,, +359 884 884 575