Good Practice - Project

The Rural Vision for 2027 of Redon Agglomeration, France

An initiative outlining key priorities for the region through definition of strategic objectives and action plans, based on stakeholder engagement.
  • Rural Pact
  • Rural Revitalisation Platform
  • - France Location Type: Local
    - France Location Type: Local


    The Redon Agglomeration's ‘Territorial Project’, active from 2021 to 2027, outlines key priorities for the Pays de Redon region, including rural municipalities and the town of Redon. Aligned with the EU's vision for rural areas, the initiative started with an in-depth diagnosis involving various stakeholders such as economic entities, associations, citizens, and institutions. 

    Through nearly 40 collaborative sessions, the initiative identified 20 strategic objectives, each accompanied by a detailed action plan for short, medium, and long-term execution.


    The 'Territorial Project' has resulted in a document structured around four key challenges: 1) promoting well-being at all ages; 2) tackling the ecological transition; 3) supporting the innovative local economy; 4) encouraging cooperation and harnessing local initiatives and expertise to meet the challenges. ​

    The project has identified 20 strategic objectives and proposed courses of action. Each of the strategic areas is accompanied by an action plan to guide efforts in the development of the region in the short, medium, and long terms. Furthermore, through this document, residents and stakeholders of the region are encouraged to modify their practices and implement projects with funded commitments to contribute to achieving the social, economic, and environmental goals of Redon Agglomeration. ​

    ​An example of concrete objective is the implementation of a comprehensive mobility service within the region encouraging citizens to shift away from individual car ownership towards more sustainable modes of travel. Various action plans have been devised to achieve this objective, such as the development of a community mobility strategy, analysis of the potential for enhanced public transportation connections between important locations within the region or an analysis of a potential network of refuelling stations offering eco-friendly fuels like hydrogen, biogas, and electricity.

    The Redon Agglomeration's Territorial Project, active from 2021 to 2027, outlines key priorities for the Pays de Redon region, including rural municipalities and the town of Redon. Aligned with the EU's vision for rural areas, the initiative started with an in-depth diagnosis involving various stakeholders such as economic entities, associations, citizens, and institutions. Through nearly 40 collaborative sessions, the initiative identified 20 strategic objectives, each accompanied by a detailed action plan

    Redon agglomeration: Public authority, Local authorities, members of Local Action Group, companies, associations, clubs, and groups of citizens


    Financed by the public administration of Redon Agglomeration


    English language

    The Rural Vision for 2027 of Redon Agglomeration, France

    (PDF – 369.9 KB)


    The Redon Agglomeration is a local government administrative entity in France. It is an intercommunal structure that brings together 31 municipalities across three French departments and manages various aspects of local governance collectively. The Redon Agglomeration is responsible for coordinating and providing services and infrastructure across its member municipalities such as transportation, waste management, economic development, and more. 

    The goal of such agglomerations is to promote regional development, efficiency, and collaboration among neighbouring communities. Le pays de Redon, renowned for its natural assets, dynamic economy, and cultural diversity, faces environmental threats such as climate change, pollution, and urban sprawl. The territory seeks to promote sustainable living to preserve its quality of life and natural resources. 

    To achieve this, the Redon Agglomeration’s 'Territorial Project' (French: 'Projet de Territoire') 2021-2027 represents a research and innovation initiative that has brought different types of stakeholder together to define a joint strategy for the future of the territory.


    The objective of this initiative was to define an action-oriented strategy for the 2021-2027 period, which brings together all the needs and concerns, but also ideas and expertise of local stakeholders across all the thematic areas managed by the Redon Agglomeration administration. 

    A consultation was carried out, through a collaborative approach, aimed at identifying better long-term challenges and perspectives, as well as defining and prioritising strategic directions that can ensure a high quality of life for everyone in the Pays de Redon region.

    Activities, key actors, and timeline

    The 'Territorial Project' 2021-2027 took nearly a year to develop, involving 30 workshops and nine thematic webinars. The local authorities wanted to facilitate the sharing of valuable experience and feedback, to encourage residents to adopt transformative practices, to support innovative projects and to advance in the development of specific infrastructures, structural investments and facilities. 

    An annual steering committee and a shared governance structure were set up to implement the project. This includes an annual meeting of mayors with representatives of the Development Council and the Attractiveness Agency, an observatory of actions contributing to the project, the promotion of cooperation and networking, thematic groups with the active participation of civil society members, and the introduction of citizen participation. 

    An annual mapping of initiatives will highlight ongoing efforts, ensuring the sustainability and evolution of the project each year through various actions.

    Success factors/lessons learnt

    The 'Territorial Project' has evolved beyond mere consultations with local stakeholders; it has established a comprehensive local development strategy for the coming years. This strategy sets out overarching directions and serves as a guiding principle for the shared action plan. It is a flexible framework capable of adapting to local conditions and contexts. 

    To monitor progress of actions aligned with the strategy's priorities, all commitments made by various stakeholders, including administrations, companies, associations, residents, and others, are to be meticulously documented and tracked, with complementary actions as needed. 

    Any necessary adjustments will align with the evolution of these commitments, as well as those of departments, regions, local partners, the French Government, and the European Union, as outlined in various pertinent framework documents.

    In terms of operational aspects, the project includes action plans that will be further developed throughout its duration. The Redon administration is responsible for continuous management and coordination.

    Contact Information

    Redon Agglomeration: