In line with one of the Rural Pact’s objectives, the Rural Pact Coordination Group invites public authorities on behalf of national and regional government to join the pact and act for the vision.

In practice, Ministries are invited to submit a commitment to the Rural Pact on behalf of their government, aiming to implement some of the elements identified as key to achieve the objectives of the Pact at national and regional level:

  1. Amplifying the voices of rural areas and bringing them up in policy agendas through:

  • Structures and mechanisms to engage with rural communities;

  • A designated government member and dedicated services to deal with rural issues across policies.

  1. Networking, collaboration & mutual learning through:

  • Capacity-building and networking support for a broad array of actors and stakeholders.

  1. Committing to act for rural areas at national and regional level through:

  • A forward-looking vision, implemented through a holistic strategy or action plan; 

  • Effective rural proofing and adequate data systems; 

  • Appropriate governance systems to facilitate coordination; and 

  • Mechanisms to coordinate the allocation of funding and ensure synergies.

The policy briefing Making the Rural Pact happen in Member States provides more information and inspiring examples on these key elements, or "ingredients", needed to mobilise stakeholders around the Rural Pact and foster concerted action towards meeting the shared goals of the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas in the specific context of each Member State or region. 

Member States are also invited to use the 11 OECD Principles on Rural Policy, which provide a broader framework on how to build effective rural policies.

To discuss and submit a commitment, public authorities can contact the Commission’s rural vision team by email: