
CBE JU Stakeholder Forum 2023

Are you interested in the future of Europe's bio-based sector? The first CBE JU Stakeholder Forum is set to take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 6-7 December 2023. With the theme ‘What next for the European bio-based sector?’ the forum will gather over 600 stakeholders from producers, researchers, industries, and decision-makers to discuss crucial questions for this evolving sector.

  • - CET
  • English
  • THE EGG BRUSSELS - Rue Bara straat 175 1070, Brussels, Belgium -
  • Hybrid

Topics will range from stimulating demand and boosting investments to research and innovation needs. Along with in-depth discussions on challenges and strategies, attendees will enjoy workshops, networking opportunities, and an exhibition of innovative solutions.

Mark your agenda, and stay tuned for registration opening in September. Join us to shape the future of the European bio-based sector and contribute to a sustainable, innovative world.

Click here for more information and to be notified when registration opens.

Additional info


THE EGG BRUSSELS - Rue Bara straat 175 1070, Brussels, Belgium


Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)

European Commission