Event - Other
The rural principles series: Taking an integrated approach to rural development
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Connected rural areas
- Resilient rural areas
- Prosperous rural areas
This stakeholder discussion will explore different ways to support and implement coordinated approaches to rural development at national, regional, and local levels in rapidly changing policy environments.
- English
- France
- Online
Key issues for discussion:
- What levers can governments use to encourage breaking down silo’s? How can governments make the changes necessary to encourage real policy integration at the national, regional or local level?
- What instruments do policy makers use to support collaboration and coordination on rural issues – rural proofing, committees, joined-up institutions?
- What factors influence policy integration at the national, regional and local level?
- Why have strong joined-up approaches developed in some areas, while they seem always beyond the reach of others?
- Does the degree of national co-operation between ministries and government agencies have an influence on the degree of policy integration at the regional and local level?
Additional info
International organisation