Harnessing skills in rural areas the role of local and regional governments
This event took place in the context of the European Year of Skills to highlight the challenges and potential for harnessing skills in rural areas.
- English
- Belgium
- Hybrid
While very diverse, rural areas in Europe face some specific challenges, including an older population and shrinking economies. This can lead to market failure issues, making it difficult to maintain accessible public services and digital infrastructure. Without an innovative vision to develop "smart villages" and the necessary skills in rural areas, the EU will hardly achieve its digital decade's targets.
The event addressed the following questions:
- How to match people's aspirations and skills with needs and opportunities in rural areas?
- What opportunities for new green and digital jobs are there in rural areas?
- How to get skilled young people to stay and live in rural areas, and how to attract new talent?
- How to attract and target public and private investments towards reskilling and upskilling in rural areas, particularly industrial or post-industrial areas? And how to address market failure in rural areas?
- How to mainstream the rural dimension in European and national public policies related to skills, economy, industrialisation, etc.?
- How can the EU support and strengthen the resilience of local public administrations in rural areas?
The event targeted the broader Rural Pact community, including public authorities, local and regional elected representatives, civil society, businesses, academia, and citizens.
Event Summary Report
(PDF – 207.81 KB)
Additional info
Council of European Municipalities and Regions
Non-governmental / civil society organisation
Harnessing skills in rural areas, Margaux Tharaux (OECD)
(PDF – 522.59 KB)
Social innovation in rural areas, Gianluca Pastorelli (Diesis Network)
(PDF – 586.48 KB)
Youth perception of mountain areas, Marie Laurent (Euromontana)
(PDF – 703.61 KB)