Event - Other

Empowering rural medicine's future: Join the 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum

Get ready for a groundbreaking exploration of Rural Family Medicine at the 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum, taking place from 19th – 21st October 2023 in Călimănești-Căciulata, Romania.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Calea lui Traian nr. 910-912-914, Căciulata 245601, Romania -
  • In-person

This year's theme, "Rural Family Medicine – looking to the future," invites experts, practitioners, and policymakers to a solution-focused discussion on the challenges and opportunities in Rural Family Medicine. This event is an opportunity to envision a health workforce tailored to rural needs and assess vital competencies for success. Enjoy networking opportunities, traditional Romanian cuisine, and a cultural exploration of the beautiful country.

Register today for the 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum and be a part of this vital conversation. Your insights and participation are key to crafting sustainable solutions for rural health across Europe. Click here to register now!


Additional info


Calea lui Traian nr. 910-912-914, Căciulata 245601, Romania


EURIPA - European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association

Non-governmental / civil society organisation