• Objective 2

    structure and enable collaboration and mutual learning between Pact members

In compliance with EU Dir 2018/2001 (RED-II), that was transposed by Italy and is being transposed by all EU Countries, the City of Magliano Alpi will help Italian and European villages to design and implement Renewable Energy Communities (REC).
Thanks to the early transposition of the RED-II Directive by the Italian Government in March 2020, the City of Magliano Alpi in December 2020 created the FIRST Italian REC, named "Energy City Hall" web site https://cermaglianoalpi.it/), thus the know how is today at an excellence level at technical and administrative level (see also https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/jrc-news-and-updates/magliano-alpi-peek-energy-communities-future-video-interview-2022-07-08_en).

In February 2024, the REC "Energy City Hall" of Magliano Alpi created a non-profit Association named CONCERNET (www.concernet.it) to cluster Italian and European RECs whose mission is to enhance synergies among RECs and to provide data management by an IoT/AI platform.

Commitment's information

Stakeholder beneficiary(ies)
  • Citizen
  • EU Institution
  • Non-governmental / civil society organisation
  • Private Business
  • Public authority
  • Rural development strategy
  • Networking activities
  • Events
  • Research or/& evaluation
  • Capacity Building
Expected Outcomes
  1. Participation in Rural Pact Conferences and events
  2. The City of Magliano Alpi and the REC "Energy City Hall" will organize an event in Fall 2025 (we hope to cooperate with the European Commission) devoted to Italian cities
  3. Start synergies with EU cities and villages
  4. Provide pilot sites for EU research projects
  5. Start a series of webinars and conference in 2025-2026, hopefully within the Rural Pact

Main results

Number of people


Number of projects


Final results
  1. Create multidisciplinary know-how specifically tailored upon the needs of small rural municipalities
  2. Support the design of open-source digital IoT/AI platforms
  3. Test innovative renewable energy sources
  4. help improve EU regulation
  5. Support EU rural cities and villages in energy transition

Organisation/Company information

City of Magliano Alpi

Public authority
Commitment's fund
EU funds, National funding, Regional funding, Local funding, Private funding
EU Fund
Interreg, Horizon programme, LIFE
Estimated budget
EUR 100 000.00
Planned additional investment
Scientific support by the Energy Center of the Politecnico di Torino and technical support by technology providers
Further details
Scope of action
Beneficiary country
Type of territories
Rural area, Remote rural area, Urban area, Mountainous area