• Rural Pact
  • Rural Revitalisation Platform
  • European Union created on Anglais
    European Union created on Anglais
    • 77 Membres

    • 6 Discussions


    Europe's mountain regions are confronted with distinct challenges due to their unique natural and geographical features. These challenges include isolation, limited access, and the economic sustainability of essential services and infrastructure. This often leads to sparse populations, few businesses, and an impact on agricultural output and resilience against climate events. To address this, Article 174 of the TFEU mandates special attention for mountain regions.

    However, mountain regions also present unique opportunities. They have been pioneers in fields like telemedicine, thanks to their isolation and elevation, and social innovation due to limited public services. Additionally, these areas house various environmentally significant sites, such as Natura2000 zones and natural parks. They have valuable experience in balancing environmental conservation with local development, offering valuable insights for other mountain communities.

    Through the Rural Revitalisation Platform, this community group aims to address these region-specific challenges in line with the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas and how to overcome them to become better connected, more resilient, and economically vibrant.

    Objectives of the Community Group
    • Raise awareness among mountain stakeholders about objectives and tools of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas;  
    • Encourage mountain stakeholders to commit to the Rural Pact; 
    • Facilitates the exchange of policy experiences and good practices for mutual learning and capacity building. 
    • Identify key barriers hindering the growth and resilience of mountain areas—whether policy-related, administrative, or socio-economic—and explore possible solutions.
    Group coordinators