Smart and start-up villages

Smart and start-up villages

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Territorial development for the green transition
26 juin 2024

Territorial development for the green transition – sign up for our upcoming Policy Lab

Sign up to attend our upcoming Policy Action Lab on 19 September 2024 and discover key opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition and enhance their territorial development tools.

What can be done to make Smart Villages happen?
19 avr 2024

What can be done to make Smart Villages happen?

The final conference of the Smart Rural 27 project of 19 March 2024 discussed support mechanisms for effective Smart Village implementation in the future. The wealth of knowledge collected throughout the project's lifespan, including analytical work on CAP and other policies, and lessons from the Pilot European Smart Villages Observatory provided the basis for reflection.

Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens
27 fév 2024

Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens

Join our upcoming Policy Lab on 22 May 2024 and help to identify key ingredients for a successful implementation of the Rural Pact at the local level! Exchange on and analyse inspiring local initiatives and approaches.