Are you passionate about rural development and eager to make a meaningful impact on the future of rural areas? If so, you can become a member of the Rural Pact community (see a short, step-by-step guide).

Here's what you can expect as a member: 

  • Contributing to keep rural areas high on the political agenda; 
  • Sharing promising initiatives and learning from others; 
  • Getting priority access to news and events; 
  • Being informed on developments on all themes of interest to rural life, including consultations. 

By becoming a member, you agree to support the 10 shared goals of the Long-Term Vision for the EU's rural areas. They summarise the common aspirations of rural communities and stakeholders for rural areas in 2040 to become:  

  1. Attractive spaces, developed in harmonious territorial development, unlocking their specific potential, making them places of opportunity and providing local solutions to help tackle the local effects of global challenges.  
  2. Engaged in multi-level and place-based governance, developing integrated strategies using collaborative and participatory approaches, benefiting from tailor-made policy mixes and interdependencies between urban and rural areas.  
  3. Providers of  food security, economic opportunities, goods and services for wider society, such as bio-based materials and energy but also local, community-based high-quality products, renewable energy, retaining a fair share of the value generated.  
  4. Dynamic communities focusing on well-being, including livelihoods, fairness, prosperity and quality of life, where all people live and work well together, with adequate capacity for mutual support.  
  5. Inclusive communities of inter-generational solidarity, fairness and renewal, open to newcomers and fostering equal opportunities for all.  
  6. Flourishing sources of nature, enhanced by and contributing to the objectives of the Green Deal, including climate neutrality, as well as sustainable management of natural resources.  
  7. Fully benefiting from digital innovation with equal access to emerging technologies, widespread digital literacy and opportunities to acquire more advanced skills.  
  8. Entrepreneurial, innovative and skilled people, co-creating technological, ecological and social progress.  
  9. Lively places equipped with efficient, accessible and affordable public and private services, including cross-border services, providing tailored solutions (such as transport, education, training, health and care, including long-term care, social life and retail business).  
  10. Places of diversity, making the most of their unique assets, talents and potential.  



English language

Guide: How to become a member of the Rural Pact Community

(PDF – 650.07 Ko)