Interested to create and coordinate a Community Group?
European and national level stakeholder organisations and institutes who are members of the Rural Pact can express their interest to act as a “community coordinator” to create and coordinate a Community Group for action, referred to more simply as “group” on the platform.
One or more stakeholder organisations can decide to partner to create and drive a Community Group. The coordinator (or group of coordinators) is the manager of the Community Group and the main interlocutor for the managers of the Rural Pact Community Platform, the European Commission and the Rural Pact Support Office.
The role and responsibilities of Community Group Coordinators include:
- Community Group creation;
- Community management, engagement and facilitation;
- Set and update the strategic objectives and focus;
- Content moderation and quality assurance;
- Community growth and outreach;
- Feedback collection and analysis.
Find more information in the Practical Guide to create Community Groups below.
Express interest to create a Community Group
Interested European and national stakeholder organisation(s) and institute(s) should submit an expression of interest to create a Community Group by filling in the following form and submitting it to
Community Group - Expression of Interest form
(DOCX – 1.15 Mo)
The Rural Pact Support Office together with the relevant services of the European Commission will analyse the information and get back to the applicant with a decision.
Before submitting your Expression of Interest, please carefully read the following practical guide which provides useful insights and information to support potential applicants in the design and development of a Community Group, including:
- Principles and key elements for the Community Group
- The role of Community coordinator(s)
- Expected content for the Expression of Interest form
Practical Guide to create Community Groups
(PDF – 268.9 Ko)