Latest news

New report evaluates progress on the European Green Deal (EGD)
A new Joint Research Centre report examines all EGD actions and related policies to identify priority areas for intensified efforts and provide a scientifically grounded benchmarking tool to guide future EU policies and programmes.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

European Board on Agriculture Food: members appointed
The European Commission appointed on 24 January 2025 the members of the newly launched European Board on Agriculture and Food (EBAF) the for a five-year term.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

‘Territorial development for the green transition’: highlights report available
This event report outlines key challenges and opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition, and the best ways to address them through EU territorial tools.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
Upcoming events
The European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
Latest publications

Highlights Report | Policy Action Lab 'Territorial development for the green transition: Harnessing the potential of rural communities'
This highlights report outlines the outputs of the Policy Action Lab of 19 September 2024, hosted by the Rural Pact Support Office.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

Highlights Report | Good Practice Webinar: 'Rural communities tackling climate change'
This highlights report summarises the key messages and discussions of the Good Practice Webinar on climate of 20 March 2024, hosted by the Rural Pact Support Office in collaboration with the European Climate Pact.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

Highlights Report | Good Practice Webinar 'Rural areas in the energy transition'
This highlights report summarises the outputs from the Good Practice Webinar "Rural areas in the Energy Transition". It took place in online on 24 October 2023.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
Latest good practice

Climate action to address local needs in rural Ireland
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

French collaborative framework fosters strategic cooperation and holistic territorial development
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform

Supporting rural Austria’s climate mitigation and adaptation efforts
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform