Territorial development for the green transition: Harnessing the potential of rural communities
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
- Resilient rural areas
- Energy
- Climate
- Nature and environment
- Bioeconomy & circular economy
- Prosperous rural areas
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Governance
- Smart and start-up villages
This Policy Action Lab, organised by the Rural Pact Support Office, explored key opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition and enhance their territorial development tools.
Organised by Rural Pact
- English
- Online
(PDF – 184.29 Ko)
Building on the European Commision report ‘The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward’, the Policy Action Lab:
- reflected on key challenges and opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition and best ways to address them;
- boosted dialogue among policymakers and practitioners at all levels to explore ways of enhancing bottom-up approaches to the green transition through improved financing, delivery systems and territorial tools (such as LEADER/CLLD and Smart Villages).

Image by Martin Bergsma on Canva
- Welcome and introduction
- Setting the scene: Challenges and opportunities in the green transition for rural communities
- Setting the scene: Keynote speech
- Harnessing the potential of rural communities to benefit from the green transition: bioeconomy
- Harness the potential of rural communities to benefit from the green transition: water
- Enhancing territorial development tools for the green transition: LEADER/CLLD
- Enhancing territorial development tools for the green transition: Smart Villages
- Enhancing territorial development tools for the green transition: Cohesion policy tools for integrated territorial development
- Conclusions and proposals
- Closing remarks
Background documents
- The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward
- Knowledge center for the Bioeconomy
- Renewable Energy production and potential in EU Rural Areas, Rural Observatory
- Best Practices of Renewable Energy Communities, Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub
The EU’s rural areas are pivotal in advancing the green transition, presenting a significant opportunity to create jobs, combat land abandonment, and mitigate depopulation. This includes tapping into the potential of the bio- and circular economies to drive economic diversification and create quality jobs, particularly in the shift to a carbon-neutral and sustainable bio-economy.
A territorial approach that leverages the local potential of rural communities is vital for fostering diversification and innovation in the rural economy. Integrated territorial development, through place-based strategies, can maximise rural potential and create new economic opportunities in the green transition, ensuring rural communities benefit fairly from economic success.
The EU’s rural vision, launched by the European Commission (EC), is a crucial step to strengthen sustainable development of rural areas and genuine territorial cohesion throughout the EU. The recent EC report ‘The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward’ reflects on how to enhance support for rural areas in the future, launching a debate for the post-2027 European rural policy framework. Moreover, the report puts forward 11 questions covering the most prominent topics raised to date by EU institutions, bodies and stakeholders for consideration in policy debates. This Policy Lab – organised by the Rural Pact Support Office - contributed to answering the following questions:
- What are the key opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition? What are the best ways to address challenges and opportunities to harness the potential of rural communities in the green transition in a targeted way that considers the different needs of various rural areas?
- What is needed to support rural communities’ actions in the green transition through improved financing, delivery systems and enhanced territorial tools (e.g. LEADER/CLLD, Smart Villages)?
Target audience
The Policy Lab gathered 100 participants, including relevant policymakers and networks at EU, national and regional levels, involved in EU funds, including CAP and EU cohesion policies, representatives of regional and local stakeholders, such as civil society organisations and public authorities, as well as relevant academic and research and innovation organisations.
Additional info
Rural Pact Support Office
Introduction to the day, Enrique Nieto, Rural Pact Support Office
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The rural vision fostering place-based action in the green transition, Silvia Nanni, DG AGRI - European Commission
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The Rural Agenda for Climate Action (RACA), Jose Enrique Garcilazo, OECD
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Saskia Onnink, DG ENV, European Commission
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BE-Rural: Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development, Horizon project, Jenny Tröltzsch, Ecologic Institute
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MainstreamBIO, Horizon Europe project, Leonidas Parodos, Qplan International Group
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Lessons from Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub (RECAH), James Roscoe, Ricardo Energy & Environment
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Telheiras Energy Community, Portugal. Miguel Macias
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Balanced management of water resources along the Hungarian-Romanian border. Csaba Vaszko, Bihor-Kis-Sárrét Catchment Community
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The river contract Alto Guadiana Menor. A territory united for water, Anabel Rodríguez & Antonio Román, LAG Altiplano Granada (Spain)
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LEADER/CLLD to advancegreen transition of rural areas, Iwona Lisztwan, DG AGRI - European Commission
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The use of ESF+ in CLLD, Jens Lie Stokbro, DG EMPL - European Commission
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“Wooden Phoenix” bioeconomy project. Barbara Florjančič, LAG Loško Pogorje (Slovenia)
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Smart Villages: a territorial tool to address local needs & ‘green’ challenges, Maria-Christina Makrandreou, DG AGRI - European Commission
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Stanz smart village, Friedrich Pichler (Austria)
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Cohesion policy and integrated territorial development, Merja Haapakka, DG REGIO - European Commission
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Cohesion policy tools for integrated territorial development: CLLD and ITIs in rural areas, Stefan Kah, European Policies Research Centre of the University of Strathclyde (UK)
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Addressing environmental issues through an ITI. Aquiles Marreiros, Regional Programme Algarve 2030 (Portugal)
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The use of an ITI in rural areas in Piemonte. Marco del Fiore, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
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Multifunded LAG launches green education financed by Cohesion Policy. Markéta Dvořáková, Brdy-Vltava LAG (Czechia)
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Next steps, Pascale van Doren, Rural Pact Support Office
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