All events
The 3rd Caucasus Mountain Forum
The third Caucasus Mountain Forum will be organised on July 4-6 2023 in Kutaisi, Georgia under the title: “Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Tourism Development: Role of Caucasus Scientists”.
- Rural Pact
XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress
The ESRS 2023 Congress will take place in person in Rennes, France. The dates are already set for 03-07/7/2023
- Rural Pact
Taking action to tackle rural depopulation
This Policy Action Lab is the launch event of the rural revitalisation platform. In addition, the event will provide an opportunity to build on the work conducted so far and explore how policies and actions can foster development in rural areas suffering from rural depopulation
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
European Stakeholder Platform on Smart Villages and LEADER
European Stakeholder Platform on Smart Villages and LEADER.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities.
- Rural Pact
SHERPA Final Conference
The SHERPA Final Conference will provide the final opportunity to look back at the work done and identify, by using a co-creative participatory approach, the main SHERPA recommendations, as well as reflect on the methodology of using Science-Society-Policy interfaces. This will be facilitated by gathering members of all its 41 Science-Society-Policy interfaces in Brussels, which will also allow them to interact with each other directly and jointly decide the final messages of the project.
- Rural Pact
Rural Geo 2023
The Rural Geography group of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, feels honoured to host the 3rd European Rural Geography Conference. The conference theme is Rural Geographies in Transition. Rural areas in Europe are under increasing and intersecting pressures and transitions.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
The role of local actors to drive smart, green and digital development in rural areas
AEIDL – the European Association for Innovation in Local Development – is promoting the (online) webinar on the role of local actors to drive smart, green and digital development in rural areas as part of the Territorial Development Thematic Community of the European Local Innovation Forum (ELIF)
- Rural Pact
Rural Pact Coordination Group first meeting
The Rural Pact Coordination Group is set up to steer the development of the Rural Pact. It has a mandate of three years. The inaugural meeting of the Rural Pact Coordination Group marked a significant milestone in advancing the goals of the Rural Vision. The 30 members of the group discussed which actions to take to support the three objectives of the Rural Pact and how they were willing to work together.
- Rural Pact
From vision to action: Agenda 2030 in rural municipalities
In this webinar invited Nordic rural frontrunners will share their experiences and results in the developing a holistic and territorial approach to rural development.
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform