Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023 | Awards Ceremony
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Connected rural areas
- Resilient rural areas
- Prosperous rural areas
The ARIA – Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards 2023 Ceremony will take place in Brussels. Follow the livestream and be part of this exciting event!
- English
- Théâtre du Vaudeville - Brussels, Belgique
- Hybrid
The Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023 celebrate CAP-funded projects that are boosting skills for agriculture and rural areas through lifelong learning, innovation and competitiveness.
This year marks the 5th edition of the competition, which, since 2019, has been highlighting the most inspiring rural development projects co-funded by the EU.
In this edition, we received a total of 92 entries from 20 Member States falling under four thematic categories: Smart & competitive agriculture, Environmental protection, Socio-economic fabric of rural areas, and Rural stakeholder skills. Experts have selected 24 projects (six per category) for the shortlist, while a Popular Vote has been open throughout the month of November, allowing citizens to vote for their favourite shortlisted project.
During the award Ceremony, European Commission representatives will unveil the four ARIA 2023 thematic winners and the winner of the Popular Vote. The event will take place in Brussels and will be livestreamed.
More details are available on this page:
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Additional info
Théâtre du Vaudeville
Brussels Belgique
EU CAP Network