News | 16 nov 2023

France launches the High-level Institute of Rural Studies

As a commitment to the Rural Pact, France has launched the ‘Institut des Hautes Études des Mondes Ruraux’ (IHEMRU). It aims to build capacities to a variety of stakeholders to help address the evolving challenges and opportunities in rural areas.

On 5 October, High-level Institute of Rural Studies – ‘Institut des Hautes Études des Mondes Ruraux’ (IHEMRU) in French - was officially launched in France to advance in resolving the unique difficulties and opportunities in rural communities and contribute to the long-term vision for EU’s and French’s rural areas.  

The creation of the institute was a formal commitment made under the Rural Pact, which is now a reality. It was made possible thanks to the French Rural Parliament in partnership with the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT)and with the support of Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, and Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate for Local Communities and Rural Affairs. 

The purpose of IHEMRU is to increase participants' understanding of rural areas in France and Europe, allowing them to actively contribute to rural development. The institute accepts a varied range of participants, including legislators, journalists, professionals, and leaders from the commercial sector, as well as representatives from numerous associations or unions. This diversity ensures a diverse spectrum of viewpoints in the programme.  

The IHEMRU implements an annual course organised into nine two-day modules taught by acknowledged academics and researchers, with additional insights from field experts and professionals. The programme also includes two field trips in France, one to European institutions in Brussels, and one to a European Union country, with Spain serving as the destination for the 2023-2024 cycle. 

To gain further insights into IHEMRU and explore opportunities for participation, visit the official website: